Surfers Against Sewage

Surfers Against Sewage (SAS) is a UK-based environmental organization that focuses on protecting oceans, waves, beaches, and marine life from pollution and other threats. Although I don't have information on their latest campaign, I can provide you with some information about their general objectives and past initiatives.

SAS is known for their campaigns and initiatives that raise awareness about issues such as plastic pollution, sewage contamination, and water quality. They work towards achieving cleaner, safer, and more sustainable coastlines. Some of their past campaigns have included:

  1. Plastic Free Coastlines: SAS has been at the forefront of efforts to reduce plastic pollution in the marine environment. They have organized beach cleans, lobbied for stricter regulations on single-use plastics, and engaged with businesses and communities to promote plastic-free alternatives.

  2. Safer Seas Service: SAS launched the Safer Seas Service, a real-time water quality alert system that provides information about sewage spills and water quality at UK beaches. This initiative helps beachgoers make informed decisions about where and when it is safe to swim and surf.

  3. Protect Our Waves: This campaign focuses on safeguarding surf spots and wave resources from coastal development and pollution. SAS advocates for better protection and management of these areas, recognizing their ecological and cultural value.

  4. Ocean and Climate Activism: SAS has been actively involved in raising awareness about the impacts of climate change on the oceans. They participate in climate marches, promote renewable energy solutions, and highlight the connection between healthy oceans and a stable climate.

These are just a few examples of the work SAS has undertaken in the past. To learn more about their current campaigns and initiatives, I recommend visiting their official website or following their social media channels for the most up-to-date information!

Surfers Against Sewage - a picture of a sunrise above pendents from the water

Inspired by Seascapes


Sea Swimming in Falmouth