Sea Animals in Cornwall

Cornwall is well-known for its diverse marine life and beautiful coastal areas. Here are some sea animals commonly found in the waters around Cornwall….

  1. Grey Seal (Halichoerus grypus): Cornwall is home to a large population of grey seals. These charismatic marine mammals can often be spotted lounging on rocky shores or swimming near the coastline.

  2. Common Dolphin (Delphinus delphis): Common dolphins are frequently seen in the waters off Cornwall. They are known for their acrobatic displays and often travel in large groups, known as pods.

  3. Basking Shark (Cetorhinus maximus): Cornwall's waters are a hotspot for basking sharks, the second-largest living fish species. These gentle giants can often be observed during the summer months, filter-feeding near the surface.

  4. Atlantic Puffin (Fratercula arctica): Although not a sea creature, the Atlantic puffin is an iconic seabird found in Cornwall. They nest in coastal cliffs and spend much of their lives at sea, returning to land during breeding season.

  5. Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus thynnus): Cornwall has become a popular destination for bluefin tuna in recent years. These impressive fish migrate through the area, attracting anglers and wildlife enthusiasts.

  6. Harbour Porpoise (Phocoena phocoena): Harbour porpoises are the smallest and most common cetacean species found in Cornwall's waters. They are often seen close to the shore and are known for their shy behavior.

  7. Cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis): Cornwall's rocky reefs provide an ideal habitat for cuttlefish. These intelligent cephalopods can change color and patterns, making them fascinating creatures to observe.

  8. Lobster (Homarus gammarus): Cornwall is renowned for its lobsters, which are caught by local fishermen. These crustaceans are a popular delicacy and play a significant role in the region's fishing industry.

  9. Barrel Jellyfish (Rhizostoma pulmo): The waters off Cornwall occasionally experience blooms of barrel jellyfish. These large, harmless jellyfish can be quite impressive, with their bell-shaped bodies and long, trailing tentacles.

  10. Cornish Sardine (Sardina pilchardus): Sardines are commercially important fish found in the waters around Cornwall. They migrate in large shoals, attracting predators and forming a vital part of the marine food chain.


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